Dr. Peng received her Ph.D. degree in atomic and molecular physics from the Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 2003. After that, she arrived at TU Dortmund University, Germany, as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow. Since 2008, she has been a professor at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). She has published over 120 papers in prestigious journals such as Nat. Phys, Sci. Adv., PRX, and PRL, and won many awards including the XPLORER prize and the Chinese Young Women Scientist Award.

1) Spin-based quantum information processing
2) Quantum spin sensors for field and space applications
3) Experimental searches for new physics by quantum spin sensors
4) Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy

In this project, students are expected to learn the basics of spin-base quantum information, magnetic resonance technology, modern atomic physics, and be involved in the instrumentation of NMR spectrometer or measuring ultraweak electromagnetic fields.

Students with strong motivation and interests in experimental quantum information via the techniques of NMR and atomic physics.