Dr. Yude Su received his B.Sc. in Chemistry in 2012 at University of Science and Technology of China. Then he obtained his Ph.D. in Chemistry in 2017 under the supervision of Prof. Peidong Yang at University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Su returned to University of Science and Technology of China as a tenure-track professor since April 2021. His research group focuses on the design and fabrication of functional nanomaterials, in particular nano-bacteria hybrid materials, and their applications on catalysis, energy conversion, and energy storage. Dr. Su has co-authored more than 20 publications in Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Materials, Joule, Advanced Materials and etc. He was awarded as “35 Innovators under 35” by MIT Technology Review in 2021.

Design and fabrication of functional nanomaterials, in particular nano-bacteria hybrid materials, and their applications on catalysis, energy conversion, and energy storage.

Develop innovative bioelectrochemical and biophotochemical systems and explore their applications in artificial photosynthesis, CO2 reduction and biofuel cells.

We particularly welcome students who show interests in electrochemistry, photocatalysis and biocatalysis.