Prof. Gu obtained his BS and PhD degrees from Nanjing University and SIOC, respectively. He was the first to propose the concept of torsional strain promoting ring-opening and discovered a strain phenomenon different from traditional small rings, providing an effective means for the ring opening reaction of cyclic compounds. Additionally, he has authored over 80 papers, including publications in Nat. Chem., JACS, Angew.
Research Interest:
Homogenous Catalysis, Transition-Metal Catalysis
What You Can Expect in the Project:
The elemental iodine is zero valent, while the iodine in iodobenzene is negative monovalent. Iodine in some organic compounds can be positively charged, and they displayed unique properties. We will synthesize some trivalent iodine organic compounds, and investigate their reactivity upon transition-metal catalysis.unique properties. We will synthesize some trivalent iodine organic compounds, and investigate their reactivity upon transition-metal catalysis.

Desired skill and background:
Who learnt organic chemistry and is interested in organic synthesis.