Hongbo Wang is a highly active researcher in sensing technologies and systems, has developed a world-class eddy-current displacement sensor (commercialized) and a few novel inductive soft sensors for wearables and soft robotics. Dr. Wang has published nearly 40 research papers in leading international journals and holds 9 innovation patents. He served as a session chair at the 2nd RoboSoft, and as guest editor for international journals. Before join USTC in 2021, he has been worked at UK, and Italy for 5.5 years. He was awarded with the President’s “Special Prize” of the CAS and is a grantee of the prestigious Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (MSCA-IF-2017).

Novel Mechanism for sensors and actuators
Multi-axis Force and Tactile Sensing
Soft robotics perception
Wearable and implantable sensors for healthcare

We commit to provide individualized training and cutting-edge research program for each intern student to meet his/her individual background and interests, within our research area. Here, you can learn to develop your first wearable sensor for hand gesture recognition, body posture sensing, or pulse wave monitoring, or build an intelligent soft crawling robot that can perceive the environment and dynamically change its gait for different terrains.
Candidates should have a solid background in mechatronics, electronic and/or mechanical engineering, mechanics, engineering materials, applied physics, automation or computer science.

Maximum 4 internship posts

Applicants should have a background on electronic & mechanical engineering, applied physics, computer science or automation.
Desired skills: 3D CAD model, Finite Element Analysis Tools (COMSOL), PCB design, progranming (C, MALAB,or Python)