Professor in Modern Mechanics at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Ph.D. and Postdoc in material science and advanced equipment at City University of Hong Kong, B.E. in mechanical engineering at USTC
Publications including Science Advances (listed by the European Commission as one of the 4D printing cases in “100 Radical Innovation Breakthroughs for the Future”), Advanced Materials (Back Cover), Materials Science & Engineering R-Reports (ESI Highly Cited Paper; citation>500), Journal of Materials Science and Technology (Cover)
10 granted US/Chinese patents in ceramic 2D/3D/4D printing
Awardee of “China’s Top Ten Cutting-edge Scientific and Technological Figures in 2018”
Young Editorial Board of Advanced Powder Materials, International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials, Smart Materials in Manufacturing
Research Interest:
3D/4D printing, ceramic nanocomposites, shape memory materials, ceramic toughening, prestress engineering, additive–subtractive manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing equipment
What You Can Expect in the Project:
3D/4D printing of ceramic/metallic/polymer nanocomposites with superior mechanical/thermal/optical performance (e.g., prestressed toughened ceramics, transparent ceramics, ultra-high-temperature materials, metamaterials)
Design and manufacturing of key components for robots
Development of new intelligent manufacturing equipment
Desired skill and background:
Background in at least one field from materials, mechanics, machinery and engineering for the participation in the interdisciplinary research program