Xiao Ma is a Professor at the School of History of Science and Scientific Archaeology at University of Science and Technology of China. He holds a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), an M.S. in Materials Engineering from Purdue University, and a B.S. from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Xiao has worked in esteemed conservation and scientific research institutions such as Getty Conservation Institute, the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum Conservation Institute, National Gallery of Art, and National Institute of Standards and Technology. He has been honored with awards such as the Ralph C. Altman Award, R.E. Taylor Best Poster Award, Martin J. Aitken Best Poster Award, Charles E. Culpeper Fellowship in Conservation Science, etc. His work in cultural heritage conservation science has been published in top journals including Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Analytical Chemistry, Construction and Building Materials, etc. He has been sponsored by various funding agencies, such as Ministry of Science and Technology, National Cultural Heritage Administration, National Natural Science Foundation of China, etc.

Cultural heritage conservation science, including technological history studies of ancient building materials, the development of conservation materials for ancient building materials, as well as degradation mechanisms of cultural heritage materials.

(1)Carry out scientific analysis of cultural heritage materials especially ancient building materials;
(2)Develop novel biomimetic materials for the consolidation or grouting of cultural heritage matrices of stone, wall paintings or bones;
(3)Develop novel analytical techniques for analyzing cultural heritage materials

Background in materials science, chemistry, civil engineering, geology, computer science, cultural heritage conservation, archaeological science are preferred.