Professor Yahong XIE is a Doctor of plasma physics and Deputy director of neutral beam injection Division. As the Head of EAST-NBI system, he involved the physics and engineering research on neutral beam injection system for fusion sciences, especially focused on the high power ion source.
He is also the member of a council of the Chinese Nuclear Physical Society (13th and 14th),the member of the scientific program committee of the 20th & 21th International Conference of Ion Sources (ICIS) and the member of the 9th Electron and Ion Beam Technical Committee of China Electrotechnical Society(CES).
Research Interest:
Physics of hot cathode and radio frequency ion source for neutral beam injector
The engineering research of high power ion source
Key issues of negative ion generation and extraction for negative beam source
Experimental research of positive and negative ion source for fusion
What You Can Expect in the Project:
Join in the physical and engineering research on the hot cathode and RF ion source with large volume, the positive ion accelerator and negative ion accelerator with large area. The design and optimization of high power ion source for the next generation fusion device.
Desired skill and background:
Physics, Nuclear engineering, Low temperature plasma diagnostic